Meghan Dailey-Faulhaber, B.S.

Welcome!  My name is Meghan Dailey-Faulhaber and I provide nutritional lifestyle coaching.  This blog is meant to help familiarize you with my personality, nutritional philosophies, and to provide you with accurate nutritional and wellness information.

I have a B.S. in Human Development and Family Sciences with particular focus in human service, psychology, and public health.  I worked for nearly 7 years as a social worker with at-risk youth and their families before I left the workforce to start my family.  As I have been on this journey into parenthood with my husband, I have decided to continue in the helping professions in a way that also allows me to continue raising a happy, healthy family.  Please visit my LinkedIn profile to learn more about my qualifications.

I love food and what food can do to help keep us healthy and return us to health.  I have experienced personal struggle with food and am passionate about helping others learn to have a positive experience with foods.  For more information on my focus, please read this post.

Please leave your comments and questions.  I hope to generate discussion with my writing and welcome differing opinions and challenges.  If you would like to speak with me directly, please email me at or call 541-729-9687.

*I do not hold an accreditation by the International Coach Federation, but do follow their Code of Ethics.

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